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Domestic and Commercial
Bee Removal Services
Westart Apiaries is based in the beautiful county of Staffordshire, carrying out efficient and professional bee removal services, built on reputation & trust.
Fully insured &
H&S Certified
Operate a
Healthy Bee Policy
Over Ten Years of Safe Live Bee Removal
Built On Recommendations
Our Services
Domestic Bee Removal
At Westart Apiaries we treat every customer the same, and every home as our own. We ensure all work is carried out efficiently, safely, and to a high standard to reduce any disturbance that may occur, and leave your property as close as we can to how we found it, and in some case better.

Commercial Bee Removal
As a business we recognise the importance of maintaining good working public relations alongside health and safety. We have experience of working with the NHS, HMP, and many large national organisations. Through a comprehensive plan of works, and detailed RAMS, we are able to deal with a multitude of situations.

Health & Safety
Health & Safety is paramount at Westart Apiaries to ensure its workforce, clients, and the public are kept safe throughout the bee removal process.
Staff and site occupants are all briefed prior to any work commencing, and in accordance with any RAMS requirements.
Westart Apiaries also undergoes regular quarterly independent safety audits.
Healthy Bees
Like any other livestock honey bees are susceptible to pests and diseases. Some of these are notifiable. As part of the Westart Apiaries Healthy Bee Policy all bees removed are framed into spacious transport containers, and located to quarantine apiaries for monitoring.
On completion of a six week quarantine period and providing the colony is healthy they are then moved to production sites across staffordshire to pollinate local crops.
10 years
Westart Apiaries has been removing bees from buildings since 2009, and has perfected a number of techniques and methods to ensure safe and efficient removal of bees. The bee story however, goes back much further than this. Westart Apiaries has been keeping bees for 22 years, and produces some of the most delicious honey from the bees that have been rescued over the years.
Westart now shares its knowledge of the subject with other beekeepers, and pest controllers on its courses held throughout the year.
Our Courses
There are currently no qualifications required to carry out bee removal work in the UK. However, there is a legislative requirement to prove competence in any work that you undertake as a commercial entity under "The Management of Health and Safety at Work Act 1999". Carrying out this work with little experience or no training could potentially land you in hot water. Westart Apiaries provides a number of bee removal course starting with the 3 day "Foundation Course in safe removal of honey bee colonies", that helps candidates understand the basics of honey bee removal. Candidates can then go on to do additional advanced courses for structure, and bee welfare.